Businesses and online marketers have been investing on content creation more and more these past couple of years. The importance of having content people would enjoy so much that they would share it and build you more links and brand recall has become so great that many tools and platforms have stepped up to the plate, hoping to be the best and the only one you would ever need.
There have been many successful platforms that have built themselves into becoming everything that you could ever need that, this time, it’s just all about which one you like and works for you the best. Find out just how much your work can improve with the right service.
What You Need
Plan at content applicaation platform
– $30
Setup Steps
Setup your DivvyHQ account at
Log in and setup your account by clicking the drop down on your name and click My Profile.
Go to the Notification Settings and customize the actions and types of notifications you and your team will get.
Add team members by clicking Add New > Team Member from your dashboard.
Enter the required information then click Add Team Member.
Specify your member’s role by toggling through the options in the popup and clicking Apply Changes.
Click on your name then Calendar Admin.
Go to General Settings and see your Calendar Organization.
Add a calendar by clicking Add New.
Pick a calendar and click Edit to make changes to its name or color.
Go to Calendar Settings > Content Types to customize the types of content you intend on managing for each calendar.
Click the green ADD NEW button and choose Content Item.
Enter your Title and (optional) Description on the Add New Content form.
Select a Calendar, Content Type, Owner, and Campaign from the drop down menu options below and customize to your preference.
You can also add content directly from the calendar interface by clicking the green Add New button.
Look for the Integration Settings under your My Profile menu.
Go to Social Channels and click Add Connection.
Choose between Facebook and Twitter and click Next.
The system will walk you through a process that depends on the platform that you choose.
Log in and authorize the Divvy’s connection and permissions.
After integrating a social channel, a green Post button will appear so you can create a post and directly share it on your social account.
Go to the Content interface and click Scheduled Posts to find your Scheduled, Published, and Failed list of posts.
Click on the type of post you want to see on the Post Status drop down and click Apply.
You can create a campaign by clicking Add New and choosing Campaign.
Type in your campaign name and choose your associated calendars.
Select a Campaign Type.
Go through your work flow and find the issues you want to address and modify.
Sign up for your software of preference. DivvyHQ is a popular one, ranked #1 in their niche.
Time to do: 1 day
Time to see results: 1 month
Additional Tips
Build an email list and grow it. Put up a feature sign up box. Create an offer in exchange for signing up. Connect your social media accounts. Consider blogger outreach: guest post for other blogs. Submit your posts to different content sites and those that relate to your niche. Put up buttons that help you share content with ease on different social media sites.
Potential Results
Content marketing is not a job that will give you instant and big- money results. Get at least six times the conversions, an increase in page views and site visits, and increased revenues with months of hard work and dedication.