Quality Links Through Manual Outreach To Secure Guest Post

Michael Santiago
Jan 13, 2023 2 mins read
SEO for Beginner

Growing your website—and your online business—into a success comes in many forms. You could learn  different tactics of link building, either by smart link mappingn or list building via web 2.0’s. Some are more calculated that eliminates guess work but costs more money, while some are more organic and allows room for you to figure things out by yourself. 

All of these require patience and diligence in maintaining just the right mix. For this topic, we are going to talk about how you can ensure your guest blogs get you high quality links via manual outreach. Learn how this effective albeit time- consuming process can be done right.

What You Need

  • A collection of relevant and quality guest blog posts.

  • List of high quality guest post opportunities in your chosen niche or topic.

  • Template for your outreach, sent via email or websites’ contact forms.

Setup Steps

  1. Search Google for guest post opportunities with multiple search strings and keyword combinations.

  2. Search social media using the same set of search strings and keyword combinations to enhance results. Engage with people that are

  3. Use bloggers’ online presence to your advantage. Bloggers’ main trade off in posting their work in many websites is the backlink and exposure their posts bring them. Trace these posts to find some valuable guest post targets.

  4. Use tools like AllTop.com to search for trending topics from your chosen niche’s authority sites.

  5. Take a look at what your competition is doing and take a leaf from their book. Not only will you save time in finding targeted guest post opportunities, you will also ensure that they will be from high quality websites.

  6. Reach out to the people and websites you’ve found with a well thought out message. Introduce yourself, your website, and present what you could bring to the table in exchange of being allowed to guest post.

  7. Follow up your post with a highly engaged and targeted promotion push. Reply on social media and to comments on your guest blog post.

  8. Don’t forget to send an appreciative note for letting you guest post. Leave the door open for future collaborations.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 3 months

Additional Tips

Make sure that your guest post will be search engine optimized with your target keyword prominently featured. In reaching out, emphasize how being featured on their website will give you the boost you need.

  • Sweeten your offer by presenting your idea for a potential guest post.
  • After your guest post becomes live, do not forget to include the blogger in your social media promotion.
  • Tag your influencers in your interactions so that you might be seen as someone who enhances their exposure to non-fans.

Potential Results

With due diligence and a good pitch, you could be writing 1 post every day for an authority blog, earning you a ton of quality backlinks. You could end up on page 1 of Google within a couple of months and get better opportunities to earn more. Income- wise, you could start of with up to $500 per month and keep going up.

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