Target Your Market With Instagram Ads

Michael Santiago
Sep 17, 2022 3 mins read
Media Buying for Beginner

Today, Facebook Ads is one of the best online advertising tools, reaching up to 1.5 billion people worldwide. When Facebook made advertising through Instagram available, Facebook users had a new way to advertise through their Facebook accounts.

Instagram advertising allow you to reach a specific target among more than 400 million audiences. It’s great for when your business is all about products that have a great aesthetic. The platform really gives you an opportunity to show off your products in an artistic and beautiful way.

This blueprint is the formula to running an Instagram campaign the easy way. Because those 400 million audiences mean nothing if you can’t run the campaigns you want with ease. Social media works fast so you need to be able to keep pace.

What You Need

  • Facebook account for your business – Sign up for free at

  • Facebook page – Create one through your Facebook account.

  • Instagram account  – Sign up at and download the app on the iOS or Android app store.

Setup Steps

    Set up Facebook and Instagram.

    1. Connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page. On the Instagram dashboard, click Settings > Instagram Ads > Follow the prompts.

      <p>Connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page. On the Instagram dashboard, click Settings > Instagram Ads > Follow the prompts.</p>

    2. Open Facebook Ads Manager. Click Create Ad > Choose from the 3 Instagram objectives for placing ads > Set the URL where people get directed to after clicking the ad > Choose a target > Proceed with the ads creation.

      <p>Open Facebook Ads Manager. Click Create Ad > Choose from the 3 Instagram objectives for placing ads > Set the URL where people get directed to after clicking the ad > Choose a target > Proceed with the ads creation.</p>

    3. Click +Create Campaign and choose an objective > Enter campaign name > Create an Adset and an Ad. For directing people to a website, choose Clicks to Website as an objective.

      <p>Click +Create Campaign and choose an objective > Enter campaign name > Create an Adset and an Ad. For directing people to a website, choose Clicks to Website as an objective.</p>

    4. Edit the adset to select your ad target > Select Instagram for placement.

      <p>Edit the adset to select your ad target > Select Instagram for placement.</p>

    5. Edit the ad. Select your page and select Instagram.

      <p>Edit the ad. Select your page and select Instagram.</p>

    6. Create your ad. Complete the URL, text and descriptions fields.

      <p>Create your ad. Complete the URL, text and descriptions fields.</p>

    7. For a video ad, follow the same process and choose video views as an objective.

      <p>For a video ad, follow the same process and choose video views as an objective.</p>

    8. To promote an app, choose the mobile app install objective.

      <p>To promote an app, choose the mobile app install objective.</p>

    9. Once the ad creation has been completed, click Upload. Facebook will review the ad before activation.

      <p>Once the ad creation has been completed, click Upload. Facebook will review the ad before activation.</p>


    Time to do: 1 day

    Time to see results: 1 month

    Additional Tips

    Before putting, or even creating, an ad, create a plan and a strategy. Make absolutely sure that the audience you’re targeting is the audience for you.

    • Create ads that do not look like ads to generate more interest from the crowd.
    • Partner with influencers.
    • Use hashtags.
    • Use video ads.
    • Encourage customer involvement.
    • Use organic posts for follow up.

    Potential Results

    Advertising in Instagram creates a great opportunity for business growth, resulting in maximized ROI. You can expect almost thrice the average ad recall that you get on other social media sites. The probability of your products being shared and engaged with goes up 58% compared to Facebook and 120% compared to Twitter. Instagram visitors stay on its site longer than they do on every channel.

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